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ICWL Championships


Boys and Girls: Bantam, Midget, Junior & Intermediate Open

Date: 3/8/2024

Start Times (Tentative):

All Bantam - 8:00am

All Junior and Intermediate- 10:00am (separate divisions, same time)

All Midget- 1:30pm

Bantam: (Born in 2016 & after) 
Midget: (Born in 2014 - 2015) 
Junior: (Born in 2012 - 2013) 
Intermediate: (7th & 8th Grade - Born after January 1, 2010)

* If you were born in 2012, but in 7th Grade, you will wrestle in the Intermediate division. 

 * If you were born in 2011, but in 6th Grade, you will wrestle in the Intermediate division. 

Location: Ursinus College

Floy Lewis Bakes - Athletic Center (Field House)
601 E. Main St 
Collegeville, PA 19426 

Trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in each weight class.

Tournament sweatshirt for 1st place finishers

Tournament t-shirts for 2nd and 3rd place finishers

ICWL Open Championships

ICWL Open Brackets will be live on Track Wrestling on 3/7

2025 ICWL Championships

Few things to keep in mind: 

1. The mat assignments are not FINAL until 30 minutes before your session start time. This means that the mat number you see on the bracket today could change. 

2. The numbers are not FINAL until 10 minutes before your session start time. This means that your match numbers WILL change.

3. Seeding is FINAL. There will be no changes in seeding of wrestlers outside of scratches. 

4. If you have any questions, please start with your coaches. They can then reach out to the league if they are not able to answer your questions. 

5. Please check back to this page for updates as we get closer. 

6. Additional Info on the ICWL Championship Page

2024-2025 Season

ICWL Open Championship Seeding Meeting

Tuesday March 4th, 2024

the Greater Plymouth Community Center (GPCC) from 7:00pm - 9:00pm.

ONLY 1 REP PER TEAM can be in attendance. 

2910 Jolly Rd
Plymouth Meeting, PA  19462